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"...her soft spot for eccentric Arthur Quick (the memorable Isaac Wade) notwithstanding. An idealist down to his bicycle-hiked pants leg. Arthur staves off boredom with tales of chivalry ... the acting uniformly wonderful, Wade's mercurial hero spurs his pert colleagues."

(David C. Nichols from the LATimes on Quixotic)

"Finally, in a category by himself, is the gifted Wade, comic actor extraordinaire, whose Dr. Snafu is a totally hilarious bundle of description-defying quirks. Wade's most deliciously outrageous characterization yet"


(Steven Stanley from on In the Company of Jane Doe)


"Wade and Fassler shine brightly as these downtrodden souls, bringing a delightfully woebegone modern-day Laurel and Hardy-or is it George and Gracie?-sensibility to Vukadinovich's eclectic mix of characters."

(Travis Michael Holder from Backstage on Trog & Clay:An Imagined History of the Electric Chair)

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"...replete with lusty, full-blooded performances, most notably by White as the first woman to break the glass commedia ceiling, by the swashbuckling Rose, and by Albert Meijer, Isaac Wade, and Michael Pappas as the troupe's original trio."


(Don Shirley of City Beat on I, Gelosi)

"Wade, Pappas, and White shine. They are stars of the Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble (all three starred in Bridel's I,Glosi, and White and Wade were both incredible in Quixotic). They are remarkably talented individuals. It would be wise for theatre buffs and aspiring actors to follow their careers."

"Wade's playwright, Buddy, squirms conspicuously at any kind of public appearance, and in many private ones as well. His inner strength is reserved for the pages he writes."


(Stephen Leigh Morris from LAWeekly on Adeline's Play)

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